Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a Loaf

I know, I know, I know. I'm the 12,687th person to post about this bread. Surely the blogosphere has become oversaturated with postings and comments about the no knead bread recipe featured in the New York Times a few weeks back. I can't help myself though. It's a perfectly natural reaction. It's what happens when an incredibly easy, tasty and successful bread recipe comes along. I have to admit though that I like the photo over at Becks and Posh much better than mine.

When I read the article in the dining section of that morning's NYT (Wednesday is now my favorite day of the week) I knew this was the perfect opportunity to try making bread for the first time. I had just picked up a Staub dutch oven so I had everything I needed: a recipe, all the ingredients (flour, yeast, salt, water), a strong desire for fresh baked bread and, most importantly, someone to make the dough while I cooked dinner. What could be simpler? The only trouble I ran into was not quite being able to effectively handle the extreme stickiness of the dough when I tried to shape it into a ball. Putting A LOT more flour on my hands solved that problem.

My favorite things about the no knead bread:

1. Easy, easy, easy!
2. The amazing amount of things you can get done during the 20 hours the bread needs to rise.
3. The wonderful smell that fills the house while the bread bakes.
4. Eating it.

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